Late Roman Remains
Clackson, S.J., 1999. Ostraca and graffiti excavated at el-'Amarna. In S. Emmel, M. Krause, S.G. Richter and S. Schaten, ed., Aegypten und Nubien in spaetantiker und christlicher Zeit. Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses Muenster, 20.–26. Juli 1996, Band 2. Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients, 6.2. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 268–78.
Faiers, J., (with contributions from S. Clarkson, B. Kemp, G. Pyke and R. Reece) 2005. Late Roman Pottery at Amarna and Related Studies. Seventy-second Excavation Memoir. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Faiers, J. and W. Smith, 2009. Plant macrofossils and pottery from Room C, Kom el-Nana: a preserved ‘vide sanitaire’ at a Late Antique monastery. In S. Ikram and A. Dodson, eds, Beyond the Horizon: Studies in Egyptian Art, Archaeology and History in Honour of Barry J. Kemp, vol. 1, Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 89–108.
Gerisch, R. 2004. Holzkohleuntersuchungen an pharaonischem und byzantinischem Material aus Amarna und Umgebung: ein Beitrag zur Identifizierung von Hölzern unter Berücksichtigung des Gebrauches von Holz als Brennmaterial und seiner Rolle bei der Rekonstruktion der lokalen Vegetation; mit einem anthrakologischen Atlas in deutsch und englisch. Münchner ägyptologische Studien 53. Mainz: von Zabern.
Harlow, M. and W. Smith, 2001. Between fasting and feasting: the literary and archaeobotanical evidence for monastic diet in Late Antique Egypt. Antiquity 75, 758–68. Based largely on material from Kom el-Nana (Amarna).
Kemp, B. J., 1993. Amarna's other period. Egyptian Archaeology 3, 13–14.
Kemp, B. J., 1995. The Kom el-Nana enclosure at Amarna. Egyptian Archaeology 6, 8–9.
Pyke, G., 2003. Church wall paintings from Kom el-Nana. Egyptian Archaeology 22, 16–17.
Pyke, G., 2003. Coptic wall plaster. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 89, 19–21.
Pyke, G., 2004. Tell el-Amarna, 2004. Appendix II: Coptic wall plaster from Kom el-Nana. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 90, 23–4.
Pyke, G., 2007. Survey of the Christian church and later remains in the tomb of Panehsy (no. 6). In B.J. Kemp, Tell el-Amarna, 2006–7, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 93, 35–49.
Pyke, G., 2008. A Christian conversion: the tomb of Panehsy at Amarna. Egyptian Archaeology 32, 8–10.
Pyke, G., 2009. Panehsy church project 2009: settlement survey. In B.J. Kemp, Tell el-Amarna, 2008-9, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 95, 27–30.
Pyke, G. in preparation. The Decorated Wall Plaster from the Church at the Monastic Site of Kom el-Nana (Tell el-Amarna, Middle Egypt), with contributions by J. Tait and A. Naguib.
Pyke, G., in press. The Christian settlement at the Amarna North Tombs. Egyptian Archaeology 37.
Pyke, G., in press. Decoding a decorative scheme: the church in the tomb of Panehsy at Amarna in Middle Egypt. Series Byzantina 7.
Pyke, G., A. Stevens and J. Sigl, 2008. Panehsy church project 2008: settlement survey. In B.J. Kemp, Tell el-Amarna, 2007–8, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 94, 44–54.
Smith, W., 2003. Archaeobotanical investigations of agriculture at Late Antique Kom el-Nana (Tell el-Amarna). Seventieth Excavation Memoir. London: Egypt Exploration Society