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Horizon newsletter
Horizon is the newsletter of the Amarna Project and Amarna Trust and is published twice a year. You can download the magazine in PDF below. It is free of charge, but a donation – no matter how small – would be appreciated. Donations can be made on the Supporting Amarna page on the Amarna Trust website.
Horizon Issue 23 | Spring 2023
In this issue:
- Tombs and a teratoma at the North Desert Cemetery
- A.G.K. Hayter at Amarna: a detailed notebook
and a “new” glass workshop - Animals in human settings in the Amarna Period
Download High Resolution Version (32Mb)
Guide Books
Guide Book: Central City
Guide book: North Tombs
Guide book: South Tombs
Guide book: Royal Tomb
Kom el-Nana Reports
The expedition began a rescue excavation at Kom el-Nana in the spring of 1988 which was continued for several more years. For the 1989 and 1990 seasons the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research of the University of Cambridge offered fieldwork grants for the project and they were used to cover the costs of the excavation of certain parts of the site where the buildings seemed to have been constructed as places for ceremonies for the royal occupant(s) — the site as a whole seems to have been set aside for Queen Nefertiti — and for the cult of the sun. To these parts we gave the names Central Platform, North Shrine, South Shrine, South House (later changed to South Pavilion) and South Pylon. At the end of each of the two seasons a detailed report was prepared for internal circulation.
Having been prepared for internal circulation only (and in a word-processing system that is no longer available) they lack a final editing stage and contain some inconsistencies.
As part of the research on the 4000 or so fragments of decorated stonework which the excavations produced, Margaret Serpico reduced their basic characteristics to a database and used this to analyse the frequency of individual types of fragment and to survey the evidence for the forms of architectural columns. The report was, in the first instance, prepared for the British Academy which had supported the analysis and is presented here in its original form.
Amarna Reports
The series of six volumes, entitled Amarna Reports, were published by the Egypt Exploration Society between 1984 and 1995 and have been out of print for some time. They are here made available in pdf form, with the agreement of the Egypt Exploration Society.
The volumes are available at two standards of compression and page resolution. The smaller and lower version is intended for browsing and the text can be searched. The larger and higher offers a better resolution of the illustrations. In the case of the photographs, these are scans made from original photographic prints.