Social Life & Religion
Kemp, B.J., 1979. Wall paintings from the Workmen's Village at el-'Amarna. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 65, 47–53.
Kemp, B., 2009. A wall painting of Bes figures from Amarna. Egyptian Archaeology 34, 18–19.
Kemp, B.J., 2012. The City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Amarna and its People. London: Thames and Hudson.
Kemp, B. and A. Stevens, 2010. Busy Lives at Amarna: Excavations in the Main City (Grid 12 and the House of Ranefer, N49.18). Volume I: The Excavations, Architecture and Environmental Remains. EES Excavation Memoir 90, London: Egypt Exploration Society and Amarna Trust. With contributions by P. Buckland, A. Clapham, R. Gerisch, A. Legge, E. Panagiotakopulu and C. Stevens.
Kemp, B. and A. Stevens, 2010. Busy Lives at Amarna: Excavations in the Main City (Grid 12 and the House of Ranefer, N49.18). Volume II: The Objects. EES Excavation Memoir 90, London: Egypt Exploration Society and Amarna Trust. With contributions by M. Eccleston, M. Gabolde and A. Veldmeijer.
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Mallinson, M., 1999. The sacred landscape. In R. E. Freed, Y. J. Markowitz and S. H. D'Auria, ed, Pharaohs of the sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamun. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 72–9.
Samuel, D., 1999. Bread making and social interactions at the Amarna Workmen's Village, Egypt. World Archaeology 31, 121–44.
Stevens, A., 2003. The material evidence for domestic religion at Amarna and preliminary remarks on its interpretation. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 89, 143–68.
Stevens, A., 2004. The Amarna royal women as images of fertility: perspectives on a royal cult. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 4, 107–27.
Stevens, A., 2006. Private Religion at Amarna: The Material Evidence. BAR International Series 1587. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Stevens, A. 2012.Private religion in the Amarna suburbs. In F. Seyfried, ed., In the Light of Amarna. 100 Years of the Discovery of Amarna. Berlin: Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 92–7.
Stevens, A., 2015. Visibility, private religion and the urban landscape of Amarna. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 30:1, 77–84.