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The Egypt Exploration Society has been publishing scientific reports on Amarna since 1903.


Follow the links above for publications arising from the Expedition from 1977 (some appear in more than one category).

Egypt Exploration Society Excavation Memoirs can be purchased at https://www.ees.ac.uk/shop

Recent monographs

The City of Akhenaten and Nefertit

Kemp, B. 2012. The City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Amarna and its People. London: Thames and Hudson.

Akhenatens Workers

Stevens, A. 2012. Akhenaten’s Workers. The Amarna Stone Village Survey, 2005–2009. Volume I: The Survey, Excavations and Architecture. London: Egypt Exploration Society and Amarna Trust. With contributions by W. Dolling.

Akhenatens Workers

Stevens, A. 2012. Akhenaten’s Workers. The Amarna Stone Village Survey, 2005–2009. Volume II: The Faunal and Botanical Remains, and Objects. London: Egypt Exploration Society and Amarna Trust. With contributions by A. Clapham, M. Gabolde, R. Gerisch, A. Legge and C. Stevens.

Busy Lives at Amarna

Kemp, B. and A. Stevens, 2010. Busy Lives at Amarna: Excavations in the Main City (Grid 12 and the House of Ranefer, N49.18). Volume I: The Excavations, Architecture and Environmental Remains. EES Excavation Memoir 90, London: Egypt Exploration Society and Amarna Trust. With contributions by P. Buckland, A. Clapham, R. Gerisch, A. Legge, E. Panagiotakopulu and C. Stevens.

Busy Lives at Amarna

Kemp, B. and A. Stevens, 2010. Busy Lives at Amarna: Excavations in the Main City (Grid 12 and the House of Ranefer, N49.18). Volume II: The Objects. EES Excavation Memoir 91, London: Egypt Exploration Society and Amarna Trust. With contributions by M. Eccleston, M. Gabolde and A. Veldmeijer.

Brilliant Things for Akhenaten

Nicholson, P.T., 2007. Brilliant Things for Akhenaten: The Production of Glass, Vitreous Materials and Pottery at Amarna Site O45.1. EES Excavation Memoir 80, London: Egypt Exploration Society.

The Eighteenth Century Pottery Corpus

Rose, P.J., 2007. The Eighteenth Dynasty Pottery Corpus from Amarna. EES Excavation Memoir 83, London: Egypt Exploration Society.

The Main Chapel at the Amarna Workmen's Village and its wall paintings

Weatherhead, F.J. and B.J.Kemp, 2007. The Main Chapel at the Amarna Workmen's Village and its wall paintings. Eighty-fifth Excavation Memoir. London: Egypt Exploration Society.

Amarna Palace Paintings

Weatherhead, F.J., 2007. Amarna Palace Paintings. Seventy-eighth Excavation Memoir. London: Egypt Exploration Society.

Late Roman pottery at Amarna and related studies

Faiers, J., 2005. Late Roman pottery at Amarna and related studies. With contributions by Sarah Clackson, Barry Kemp, Gillian Pyke and Richard Reece. Seventy-second Excavation Memoir. London: Egypt Exploration Society.

Holzkohleuntersuchungen an pharaonischem und byzantinischem Material aus Amarna und Umgebung

Gerisch, R., 2004. Holzkohleuntersuchungen an pharaonischem und byzantinischem Material aus Amarna und Umgebung. Münchner Ägyptologische Studien 53. Mainz: von Zabern.

Archaeobotanical investigations of agriculture at Late Antique Kom el-Nana (Tell el-Amarna)

Smith, W., 2003. Archaeobotanical investigations of agriculture at Late Antique Kom el-Nana (Tell el-Amarna). Seventieth Excavation Memoir. London: Egypt Exploration Society.


Website first posted September 2000; last updated October 2017 | enquiries concerning website: email bjk2@cam.ac.uk