Ethnoarchaeology & Experimental Archaeology
Eccleston, M., 2008. Replicating faience in a bread oven at Amarna. Egyptian Archaeology 32, 33–5.
Eccleston, M., 2008. Metalworking at Amarna: a preliminary report. Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 19, 29–47.
Nicholson, P.T., 1995. Construction and firing of an experimental updraught kiln. In B.J. Kemp, ed., Amarna Reports VI. Occasional Publications 10. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 239–78.
Nicholson, P.T., 1995. The potters of Deir Mawas, an ethnoarchaeological study. In B.J. Kemp, ed., Amarna Reports VI. Occasional Publications 10. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 279–308.
Nicholson, P.T. 2002. Glass production at Amarna: Ancient technology replicated. In W. Wendrich and G. van der Kooij, ed., Moving Matters/Ethnoarchaeology in the Near East. CNWS Publications 11. Leiden: Leiden University, 103–6.
Nicholson, P.T. 2002. Deir Mawas and Deir el-Gharbi: Two contrasting ceramic traditions. In W. Wendrich and G. van der Kooij, ed., Moving Matters/Ethnoarchaeology in the Near East. CNWS Publications 11. Leiden: Leiden University, 139–46.
Powell, C., 1995. The nature and use of ancient Egyptian potter's wheels. In B.J. Kemp, ed., Amarna Reports VI. Occasional Publications 10. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 309–35.
Pyke, G. and Ata Makramalla Mikhail, in press. Through the keyhole at El-Till. Horizon 7.
Samuel, D., 2009. Experimental grinding and ancient Egyptian flour production. In S. Ikram and A. Dodson, eds, Beyond the Horizon: Studies in Egyptian Art, Archaeology and History in Honour of Barry J. Kemp, vol. 2, Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 456–77.